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DUI Costs

DUI Costs

Average Costs of DUI

These average costs associated with a DUI were established in 2010. Actual costs will vary depending upon City and County laws and with your attorney's knowledge of local requirements and her ability to negotiate effectively.

Nandia Black's more than twenty-five years of experience in this area of the law, her extensive knowledge of the proceedings of the State's Attorney's office, and her superb negotiating skills ensures all of her clients exceptional representation and the best opportunity for a favorable judgment
Average Cost of a DUI conviction in Illinois Summary*
Click here for Cyber Drive Illinois Publication
Item Costs Final Cost
Insurance High-risk insurance - an additional $1,500 a year required for 3 years. $4,500
Legal Fees Uncontested plea and hardship driving permit $2,000
Court Costs Fine of up to $2,500. Court costs - $750. Reimbursements to law enforcement, towing and storage fees - $250. Trauma center fund - $100. $3,600
Income Loss Loss of 4 weeks income due to jail or community service, evaluations and remedial education classes. (Loss based on average yearly income of $55,000.) $4,230
Rehabilitation Remedial substance abuse class at $50 and counseling fees of $200. $250
Driver's License Reinstatement $500 plus $30 for a new license; $50 formal hearing fee. $580
BAIID Installation - $100; Rental fee - $80 per month * 12 = $960 a year; Monitoring fee - $30 a month * 12 = $360 per year. $1420
Total Average Cost $16,580
Medical treatment for a crash involving injuries or fatalities $100,000+
Compensatory damages awarded to a crash survivor $10,000+
In-patient substance abuse programs $3,500+
Legal fees for jury trials and civil proceedings $5,000+
Medical treatment for a crash involving injuries or fatalities $100,000+
Compensatory damages awarded to a crash survivor $10,000+
In-patient substance abuse programs $3,500+
Legal fees for jury trials and civil proceedings $5,000+
*Summary from DUI 2013 Illinois DUI FACT BOOK, page 22- Issued by Jesse white Illinois Secretary of State

DUI offenders are responsible for all costs associated with the BAIID device, which includes an installation fee of approximately $100 and rental and monitoring fees of about $110 per month.

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